Move for Hunger: How Your Move Could Help Someone Else

Move for Hunger-

Moving to a new house or apartment is an exciting experience, giving you the opportunity to create a home, embrace new opportunities and get a fresh start. But did you know your move could also help others? Wi
th IFR and Move for Hunger, you can transform your move into an experience that helps food banks supply local families with the food they need.

When you’re moving, you probably have many things you won’t end up using or taking with you. For example, as you clear out your cupboards, pantry and cabinets you may discover non-perishable food items you purchased that you likely won’t use before you move, or that aren’t worth your trouble to transport to your new home. Move for Hunger and IFR have a solution.

What is Move for Hunger?

Move for Hunger is community initiative that gathers unopened and nonperishable food from people who are moving. When you’re changing locations, Move for Hunger is pleased to take your unopened, nonperishable food items and donate them to local food banks. It’s a win-win — you don’t have to move heavy boxes of unopened food, and someone else gets the benefit of nutritious meals when they need them.

Move for Hunger makes it easy to donate food. It partners with businesses and moving companies to make donating easy. When you give to Move for Hunger, you:

  • Reduce the amount of waste heading to our landfills
  • Support your local community
  • Feed those who are hungry
  • Make your move into a positive force for good
  • Donate without spending any extra time or money on the effort, since you are already cleaning out your home
  • Enjoy the great feeling that comes with doing something to help others

IFR and Move for Hunger

IFR supports Move for Hunger. As a company committed to helping individuals and families enjoy a comfortable and affordable furnished living space, IFR also has a strong commitment to community. That’s why IFR has been working with Move for Hunger to help local food banks and local families.

IFR has held food drives to raise awareness of and donations for the cause. The holiday 2015 drive, for example, received donations amounting to 59 pounds of food for local food banks. They’ve also supported Move for Hunger by spreading the message to customers, and community partners so they can make the decision to donate.

As a leading supplier of rental furniture and new and previously leased furniture for sale, IFR saw an opportunity since many clients come to IFR when they are moving or about to move. By encouraging people to donate food and making them aware of Move for Hunger, we help ensure more local families get the nourishing meals they need.

Contact IFR today to find out how you can donate your unused food during your move to feed someone who may be in need. If you are leasing or purchasing furniture from IFR, the IFR team makes it easy for you to give. Stay tuned for further food drives and charitable efforts.