Your college roommate may be someone you’ve known since high school, or you may be meeting for the first time on the day you move in. Regardless of your history, it’s important to establish the rules of your relationship right away — especially the financial rules.
Roommates share more than just dorm or apartment space. They also share the cost …
The time has finally come for you to move out of your childhood home and head to college. You’re probably thinking about a million different things — what you want to major in, if you want to pledge a sorority or fraternity, where the best food is on campus and what type of activities you want to try out at …
More people are renting apartments or homes these days than buying them. Although more people own homes than rent them, the number of renters has increased over the past decade. In 2006, slightly more than 36 percent of people in the US rented. By 2014, the number had risen to be more than 41 percent of people.
People between …